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Özel Yenişehir Hastanesi

Six Babies Become the Mascot of Private Yenişehir Hospital

Six babies were born yesterday evening at Private Yenişehir Hospital in Mersin.

Performing the operation, Dr. Kamal Aslan in anesthesia for Haldun Canova, Dr. Mehmet Baki Kara accompanied him. In the birth that took place, the Syrian mother gave birth to 6 babies, 4 boys and 2 girls.

The birth operation, which passed with the intense efforts of the hospital doctors, continued successfully. Babies born prematurely were born in the range of 600 to 700 grams. Stating that the birth was successful, Op. Dr. Haldun Canova said, “As a result of a successful operation, we had 6 babies with our 112 emergency Syrian patient. The babies are currently under observation in the incubator in the neonatal intensive care unit. Canova stated that the frequency of six births is very low in the world and in Turkey.

The 19-year-old Syrian mother, who came to Mersin from Idlib to give birth, stated that she was very happy to give birth to her baby and said, “This was my biggest dream. I have given birth before, but this feeling is different. I would like to thank the doctors and staff of Private Yenişehir Hospital for their interest.”



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