Our Hospitals


We have received the highest score in Mersin for the last 6 years in the Health Quality Assessment carried out by the Ministry of Health.


Özel Yenişehir Hastanesi


Ear diseases, aphonia, aphagia, nasal flesh, bone curvature and sinusitis diseases, adenoid in children are investigated and diagnosed. The following procedures are performed successfully under the best conditions in the operating room of our hospital:

  • Tonsillectomy,
  • Adenoidectomy,
  • Grommet (Ear tube surgery),
  • Septoplasty,
  • Cornectomy and Nasal Polypectomy,
  • Sinusitis surgery,
  • Rhinoplasty,
  • Snoring operations,
  • Salivary Gland Diseases,
  • Laryngectomy,
  • Gland removal from the neck,
  • Nodule, polyp removal from vocal cords
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